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Our learning programme

Our purpose is to educate for sustainability through community-integrated, entrepreneurial learning in a natural environment. We follow a learner-centered approach that meets each child where they are, aiming to inspire and equip young people to be green leaders.

Our learning programme considers WHAT we learn, HOW we learn and HOW we assess.

Ons leerprogram

Ons doel is om vir volhoubaarheid te leer deur gemeenskapsgeïntegreerde, entrepreneuriese leer in ‘n natuurlike omgewing. Ons volg ‘n leeder-gesentreerde benadering wat elke leerder ontmoet waar hy/sy is, en poog om jong mense te inspireer en bemagtig om groen leiers te wees.

Ons leerprogram sluit in die WAT ons leer, HOE ons dit leer en HOE ons assesseer.

WHAT we learn:

The WHAT of our learning programme consists of three overlapping, integral elements. It seeks to find a balance between the skills, values and discipline-based learning objectives that prepare learners for an ever-changing world. These three elements are central in all learning experiences with careful consideration of developmental level and readiness.

WAT ons leer:

Die WAT van ons leerprogram between uit drie oorvleulende, geĂŻntegreerde elemente. Die Green School leerprogram poog om ’n balans te vind tussen vaardighede, waardes en dissipline-gebaseerde leerdoelwitte wat leerders voorberei vir ’n immer-veranderende wĂȘreld.  Hierdie drie elemente is sentraal tot alle leerervaringe met deurdagte oorweging van leerders se ontwikkelingsvlak en gereedheid.

Learning objectives (Academics):

Green School’s learning programme follows a uniquely designed continuum of learning objectives that are designed to provide a foundation for learners to develop their knowledge and skills through challenging and integrated experiences that align with our REAL learning principles. Having a continuum of learning enables educators to plot each individual learner’s proficiency in a subject and support development from there. It also enables educators to both support learners who require additional support and extend gifted learners on the continuum. This helps prevent learners from being either overwhelmed or bored. 

In addition to academic skills, our learning programme incorporates 21st century skills and a set of values that our community ascribes to.

Leerdoelwitte (Akademie):

Ons leerprogram volg ’n uniek ontwerpte kontinuum van leer wat ontwerp is om ’n basis daar te stel vanwaar leerders hul kennis en vaardighede ontwikkel deur uitdagende en geĂŻntegreerde ondervindinge wat met ons REAL leerbeginsels belyn. Om ‘n kontinuum te hĂȘ stel onderwysers in staat om elke leerder se vaardigheidsvlak op die kontinuum te identifiseer en dan te verseker dat elke leerder vandaar vorder. Dit stel onderwysers ook in staat om die nodige ondersteuning vir leerders te verskaf wat dit benodig, maar ook vir begaafte kinders uitdagende werk op die kontinuum te gee. Dit help om te voorkom dat enige leerders of oorweldig, of verveeld is in die klas. 

Bykomstig tot ons akademiese vaardighede, sluit ons leerprogram 21ste eeuse vaardighede in, asook ‘n stel waardes wat vir ons gemeenskap belangrik is.

Green School skills

In an ever-changing world, we cannot rely on only educating children with facts or existing knowledge. To meet the challenges of the future, learners need to develop the skills necessary to face these challenges and thrive in a changing world.

By nurturing ‘Green School Skills’ in our learners we prepare them for their journey as learners for the rest of their lives.  

Our learning programme and each lesson plan includes a clear focus on one of more of our Green School Skills and our assessments review the extent to which each learner’s behaviour demonstrate skill level.

Green School-vaardighede

In ons veranderende wĂȘreld kan ons nie nĂ©t vir leerders feite en huidige kennis leer nie. Om die uitdagings van die toekoms in die gesig te kan staar, moet leerders die vaardighede ontwikkel wat nodig is om dit aan te pak, maar ook om te floreer in ‘n veranderende wĂȘreld.

Deur die Green School-vaardighede in ons leerders te ontwikkel, help ons hulle voorberei vir lewenslange leer.

Ons leerprogram en elke lesplan sluit ‘n duidelike fokus op een of meer van ons Green School-vaardighede in, en ons assesserings kyk tot watter mate elke leerder hierdie vaardighede ten toon stel.

Green School values

Our learning programme also considers how we model and reflect on values. These Green School values are subscribed to by our community of learners, parents and educators and we include self-reflection on values in our learners’ learning journey.

Our values inform our thoughts, words and actions. They are important because they help us to know ourselves, grow and develop. Our decisions are a reflection of our values and beliefs. Strong values enable us to take responsibility for our learning, have a positive impact on our community, and to show care for our environment.

Green School-waardes

Ons leerprogram sluit ook waardes in wat ons uitleef as rolmodelle en op reflekteer. Die Green School-waardes is waardes waartot ons hele gemeenskap van leerders, ouers en opvoeders toestem, en ons sluit nabetragting op waardes in in ons assesseringsproses.

Ons waardes dryf ons gedagtes, woorde en aksies. Hulle is belangrik omdat hulle ons help om onsself te ken, te groei en ontwikkel. Ons besluite weerspieĂ«l ons waardes en oortuigings. Sterk waardes stel ons in staat om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir ons leerproses, om ’n positiewe impak op ons gemeenskap te hĂȘ en om te gee vir ons omgewing.

At Green School, we believe that learners learn more from how they are taught than from what they are taught.

How we learn

The pedagogical structure we use to support the curriculum above is the three frames of learning. This defines how we deliver the content of our courses in the classroom. This scaffold is designed to provide a consistent, relevant, well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience. The three frames of learning are:

Hoe ons leer

Ons gebruik drie raamwerke in ons pedagogiese struktuur wat die kurrikulum ondersteun. Dit bepaal hoe ons inhoud in die klaskamers aanbied. Hierdie raamwerke is ontwerp om ’n konstante, relevante, afgeronde en omvattende leerervaring te bied. Die drie is:

These three frames can be thought of as a practice – apply – try paradigm.

Proficiencies = Practise: Where we practise and improve discrete intellectual competencies.

Thematics = Apply: When we can apply the skills we have been practising and developing through exciting and engaging thematics.

Experiential = Try: Where we can have-a-go at new, exciting, challenging and risky activities through hands-on, active experiences.

‘n Ander manier om die drie vlakke te onderskei is as oefen – toepas – uitprobeer.

Vaardigheidsvlak = Oefen: hier oefen en verbeter ons diskrete intellektuele vaardighede.

Tematiese klasse = Toepas: hier pas ons die vaardighede toe wat ons geoefen en ontwikkel het deur opwindende interdissiplinĂȘre temas te ondersoek.

Ondervindingsleer = Uitprobeer: Hier probeer ons iets nuuts en uitdagends met ‘hands-on’ aktiwiteite en projekte.

Proficiency frame:

Our proficiency frame includes mathematics, science, English and Afrikaans. These subjects require a structured approach to ensure that each learner’s skills is systematically built. We have a carefully defined scope and sequence document for each of these subjects that has been benchmarked against international curricula and exceeds  the requirements of the South African National Curriculum Statement.

This scope and sequence document guides what is taught for which grade, what precedes it and what are the next steps. For instance, grade 3 learners will learn about fractions to a certain complexity. But having the understanding that we use a continuum and not a fixed point where all learners must be on a specific day, we take each learner from where they are and assist in their progression. This means that in grade 3, some learners may still be busy cementing grade 2 concepts, and some may be extended to grade 4 concepts.

Our low learner: teacher ratio is critical to enable this individualistic approach.


Ons vaardigheidsvlak klasse is wiskunde, wetenskap, Afrikaans en Engels. Hierdie vakke vereis ‘n metodiese, gestruktureerde benadering om seker te maak dat elke leerder se kennis stelselmatig opgebou word. Ons het ‘n noukeurige uitgewerkte omvang en volgorde document vir elkeen van hierdie vakke wat getoets is teen internasionale kurrikulums en wat die vereistes van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nationale Kurrikulum oorskry.

Hierdie omvang en volgorde document sit uiteen wat in watter graad geleer word, maar ook wat voor en na ‘n spesifieke kompleksiteit kom. As ‘n voorbeeld, graad 3-leeders moet breuke leer tot ‘n sekere kompleksiteit. Maar omdat ons met die kontinuum van leer werk en nie ‘n vaste punt het waar alle leerders op ‘n gegewe dag moet wees nie, neem ons elke leerder van waar hy/sy is, en help lei hulle akademiese vordering. Dit beteken dat in graad 3, sommige leerders nog kan besig wees om graad 2 konsepte vas te lĂȘ, en ander reeds besig is met graad 4 konsepte.

Ons lae leerder: onderwyser ratio is krities om hierdie benadering moontlik te maak.

Thematic frame:

This frame is an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning where units are focused on a particular theme. Thematic units inspire learners through relevant concepts and real-world experiences. They provide opportunities to ask questions and for learners to follow their own paths of inquiry and they bring to life the beauty, surprises and connections in the world around us. Thematic lessons are holistic in that they engage multiple styles of intelligence and learning.

Tematiese klasse:

Tematiese klasse volg ‘n geĂŻntegreerde, interdissiplinĂȘre benadering tot leer waar leereenhede fokus op ‘n bepaalde tema.

Hierdie leereenhede inspireer leerders deur na relevante konsepte en regte-wĂȘreldse ondervindings te kyk. Dit skep geleenthede om vrae te vra en vir leerders om hulle eie paadjies van ondersoek te volg en maak die wonder, verrassings en verbindings van die wĂȘreld sigbaar. Tematiese klasse is holisties deurdat hulle verskillende vlakke van intelligensie en leer kombineer.

Experiential learning:

Experiential learning at Green School is the “hands-on, getting dirty” part of Green School. Whether it means working in the school gardens, creating art, building out of bamboo or Black Wattle, learning snake handling and identifying skills, or carrying out work experience. Learners from every Learning Neighbourhood engage in real-world practical projects that deepen their understanding of themselves, the world and their place in it, and help develop Green School Skills.


Ondervindingsleer by Green School is waar ons modder tussen die tone kry en ons hande vuil maak. Dit kan beteken om betrokke te raak in ons skool tuine, kuns te maak, iets te bou uit bamboes of ‘Black Wattle’ leer om slange te vang (letterlik, ons almal sal graag wil leer hoe om die figuurlikse te vang), of doen werkies op die kampus. Leerders uit al die fases neem deel in hierdie regte wĂȘreldse projekte wat hulle begrip van hulself, die wĂȘreld om hulle, en hul plek daarin, bevorder en geleendheid gee om Green School-vaardighede te ontwikkel.

At Green School we strive to help our learners understand the value of what they learn. Our goal is to foster a lifelong love of learning that doesn’t stop at the classroom, but matures into a future full of passion and opportunities.

Age groups

Early Years: Ages 3 – 6

Learning Through Play

We believe that every child deserves, and is indeed entitled to, the best possible foundation for their education. We provide a caring and nurturing setting where each child is treated as an individual as they begin their unique learning journey at Green School.

Our play-based program sparks children’s natural curiosity and instils the joy of learning through singing, dancing, art, storying-telling, green studies, and excursions around our beautiful campus.

In the background, our educators have devised and documented a carefully designed programme that prompts the learning activities. From the children’s point of view they are having fun with friends and teachers all day long.


Voorskool: 3 - 6 - jariges

Leer deur Speel

Ons glo dat elke kind dit verdien om die beste moontlike basis vir hulle opvoeding te hĂȘ. Ons skep ’n koesterende omgewing waar elke kind as ’n individu behandel word soos hulle hul unieke leerproses by Green School begin.

Ons spel-gebasseerde program wakker kinders se natuurlike nuuskierigheid aan en laat hulle die vreugde van leer ervaar deur middel van sang, dans, kuns, storievertelling, groen studies en uitstappies op die pragtige kampus.

In die agtergrond hou ons opvoeders ‘n versigtig-uitgewerkte program wat gebruik word om spel uit te lok en aktiwiteite te inspireer wat die kleintjies se holistiese ontwikkeling verseker.

Primary school: Grades 1 - 5

Nurture and Inspire

In the Primary Years, our classrooms are built to inspire learners to connect with their environment, chase adventure, and pursue their passions. It’s a time for fun, laughter, exploration, and enquiry, while building relationships, expressing creativity, and getting dirty.

Primary learners strive to master core competencies in maths and literacy in a supportive learning environment. Each child’s journey to mastery of these skills and competencies is carefully planned so that they are supported and inspired every step of the way. We want our children to truly understand these key concepts.

Our holistic approach engages the four intelligences — physical, emotional, intellectual and intrapersonal — through the Three Frames of Learning.

Laerskool: Graad 1 - 5

Koester en Inspireer

Tydens die laerskooljare inspireer ons kampusontwerp leerders om die omgewing beter te leer ken, avontuur te gaan soek, en hul passies uit te leef. Dis ’n tyd vir pret, lag en verkenning, terwyl hulle verhoudings bou, hul kreatiwiteit uitdruk en vuil raak!

Laerskoolleerders bemeester kernvaardighede in wiskunde en letterkunde in ’n ondersteunende leeromgewing. Leerder-geleide, praktiese projekte bevorder ondernemingsgees, omgewingskennis, praktiese vaardighede en die kunste terwyl dit leerders help om beter medewerkers en kommunikeerders, etiese besluitnemers en risikonemers te word.

Ons holistiese benadering betrek die vier intelligensies – fisies, emosioneel, intellektueel en interpersoonlik, deur ons Drie Leerraamwerke.

Middle school: Grades 6 - 8

Crossing the bridge

In the Middle School programme we focus on developing learners’ critical thinking skills – to question, challenge and seek to discover answers and solutions for themselves. The programme is structured and delivered in order to leverage the natural desire of this age group to become independent thinkers, to work with friends and peers, and to discover rather than to be told.

This truly unique and progressive programme retains an absolute focus on the social and emotional development of children at this exciting and important age and stage.

We learn about our world through the lens of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and these goals form the basis of our interdisciplinary thematic learning units.

All children have art, music and personal wellbeing lessons, and our Stappie-Stappie programme (see below for more detail) provide a rich opportunity for learner-lead activities.

Middelskool: Graad 6 - 8

Die Oorgangsfase

In ons Middelskool fokus ons daarop om leerders se kritiese denkvaardighede te ontwikkel – dus om dinge te bevraagteken en self antwoorde en oplossings te vind. Die program is sĂł gestruktureer om kinders van hierdie ouderdomsgroep se natuurlike behoefte aan onafhanklike denke, om saam met maats aan projekte te werk, en om self te ontdek pleks van voorgesĂȘ te word, te versterk.

Hierdie unieke en progressiewe program fokus volkome op die sosiale en emosionele ontwikkeling van kinders op hierdie opwindende en belangrike ouderdom.

Ons leer oor ons wĂȘreld deur die lens van die Verenigde Nasies se Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte en hierdie doelwitte vorm die basis van ons tematiese leereenhede.

Alle leerders het kuns, musiek en persoonlike welstand klasse, en ons Stappie-Stappie program (sien hieronder vir verdere beskrywing) verskap ‘n unieke geleentheid vir leerder-gedrewe aktiwiteite.

High school: Grades 9 - 12

Lighting the fire

Our perspective on education, reflected in our curriculum, is that we are not filling a bucket, but rather lighting a fire. Thus, we endeavour to teach learners to “learn how to learn” by giving them the skills to do so. Most importantly, we aim to instil in our learners a love of learning as a passionate pursuit in and of itself.

Our high school programme is a four-year personalised learning programme that enables learners to explore their identity and knowledge of their own passions, interests and skills, and build skills, knowledge and awareness to thrive in their personal and professional lives. Our programme aims to establish a lifelong sustainability lens through which our learners view the world around them, a lens which empowers learners to play a role in making our world sustainable.

In addition to core subjects needed to access post-school tertiary studies, they have range of electives to choose from that allow them to have a great career related focus in their curriculum. Opportunities to develop research skills, entrepreneurship and job shadowing are a feature of our programme.

Green School learners graduate with an American High School Diploma that provides graduates with access to the following pathways:

  • tertiary studies at traditional universities;
  • tertiary studies at more progressive institutions;
  • local or global organisations through internships and apprenticeships; and
  • local and global mission-driven impact organisations 

Graduates from our sister school in Bali are attending universities around the world and working in inspiring organisations and places where they are finding personal fulfilment and professional success.

Hoërskool: Graad 9 - 12

Steek die Vuur Aan

Ons siening van onderrig, wat in ons kurrikulum weerspieĂ«l word, is dat ons nie besig is om ’n emmer vol te maak nie, maar eerder ’n vuur aan te steek. Ons mikpunt is om kinders “te leer hoe om te leer” deur hulle die nodige vaardighede te gee. Nog belangriker is ons doelwit om by leerders ’n liefde vir leer te kweek.

Ons hoĂ«rskoolprogram is ‘n vier-jaar persoonlike leerprogram wat leerders uitnooi om hulle identiteit, passies, belangstellings en vaardighede te ondersoek en ontdek, en om vaardighede, kennis en bewustheid te bou wat nodig is om in hulle persoonlike en professionele lewens te floreer. Ons program poog om ‘n lewenslange volhoubaarheidslens te vestig, waardeur ons leerders die wĂȘreld waarneem, en wat hulle in staat stel om ‘n rol te speel om ons wĂȘreld volhoubaar te maak.

Behalwe kernvakke wat nodig is vir universiteitsvrystelling, het leerders ‘n wye reeks keusevakke wat hulle toelaat om belangstellings n ate volg. Geleenthede om navorsingsvaardighede en ondernemingsgees te ontwikkel, asook praktiewe werkservaring te kry, is ook deel van ons program.

Green School-leerders matrikuleer met ‘n Amerikaanse HoĂ«rskool Diploma wat matrieks toegang gee tot die volgende paadjies:

  • TersiĂȘre studies by tradisionele universiteite;
  • TersiĂȘre studies by meer progressiewe instellings;
  • Plaaslike en internasionale organisies en maatskappye deur internskappe; en
  • Plaaslike en internasionale missie-gedrewe impak organisasies.

Ons susterskool in Bali se oudleerlinge loop vandag klas by universiteite oor die wĂȘreld heen, werk by inspirerende organisasies en streef na opwindende doelwitte. Hulle behaal nie net persoonlike en akademiese sukses nie, maar maak beduidende bydrae as baanbrekers in aksie.

Green studies and environmental science

Our homegrown, comprehensive green studies curriculum evolves from ecology to sustainability, while connecting learners to our local geographic and cultural context. Using a hands-on approach allows learners to ‘get their hands dirty’ and ‘get mud between their toes’, while reinforcing the essential skills of reading, writing, maths and science.

Groenstudies en omgewingswetenskap

Ons omvattende groen kurrikulum draai om alles van ekologie tot volhoubaarheid, terwyl dit leerlinge met ons plaaslike geografiese en kulturele konteks verbind. ’n Praktiese benadering laat leerlinge toe om “hul hande vuil te maak” en “modder tussen hul tone te kry”, terwyl dit ook noodsaaklike vaardighede soos lees, skryf, wiskunde en wetenskap slyp.


Art and music

All learners have art and music lessons as part of the standard learning programme. These classes provide learners with the opportunity to explore the arts and find their favourite way of creative expression.

At weekly assemblies, learners will have regular opportunities to perform in a supported, safe environment. Through exhibition and performance, we foster children’s confidence, self-awareness, perseverance, and collaboration

Die kunste

Alle leerders het kuns en musiek lesse as deel van die standaard leerprogram. Hierdie klasse gee vir leerders die geleentheid om die kunste te verken en mee te speel, en hulle gunsteling maniere van kreatiewe uitdrukking te vind.

Danksy weeklikse saalbyeenkomste her leerders gereeld die geleentheid om in ’n veilige en waarderende omgewing op te tree. Uitstallings en optredes help om kinders selfvertroue, selfbewustheid, deursettingsvermoĂ« en samewerking te leer.

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Sport and physical education

Sport and physical education is a central part of the Green School experience. The focus is upon providing children with the opportunity to learn a range of physical and social skills whilst a enjoying a fun-filled time with friends. We encourage participation and want our children to experience the positive benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. 

Our location at the foot of the Drakenstein mountains allows for plenty of outdoor and adventure education opportunities such as mountain biking, hiking and rock climbing. 

Sport en liggaamsopvoeding

Sport en liggaamlike opvoeding vorm deel van die Green School-ervaring. Die fokus is daarop om kinders die geleentheid te gee om ’n verskeidenheid fisieke en sosiale vaardighede aan te leer, terwyl hulle ’n lekker kuier saam met vriende geniet. Ons moedig deelname aan en wil hĂȘ dat ons kinders die positiewe voordele van ’n gesonde, aktiewe leefstyl moet ervaar. 

Ons ligging aan die voet van die Drakenstein-berge bied baie geleenthede vir buitelug- en avontuuropleiding soos bergfietsry, stap en rotsklim.

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How learners feel about themselves and their relationships with others directly affects their ability to learn and grow. Our physical, mental and social/emotional wellbeing influences everything we do.

At Green School, our wellbeing curriculum acknowledges that children learn best when they are joyous, mindful, active and aware. All aspects of Green School’s wellbeing programme (physical wellbeing, social and emotional wellbeing, sex education and pathways) are structured into three strands that allow learners to develop the skills and knowledge to be the stewards of their own health and growth: connection to me, connection to others, and connection to society.


Hoe leerlinge oor hulself en ander voel, het ’n direkte uitwerking op hul vermoĂ« om te leer en te groei. Ons fisieke, geestelike en sosiale/emosionele welstand beĂŻnvloed alles wat ons doen. 

By Green School het ons juis ’n welstandskurrikulum omdat ons weet kinders leer die beste wanneer hulle gelukkig, aandagtig, aktief en bewus is. 

Alle aspekte van Green School se welstandsprogram (fisieke welstand, sosiale en emosionele welstand, aandagtigheid, en verhoudingsleer) word in drie groepe verdeel, wat leerlinge help om vir hule eie gesondheid en groei verantwoordelik te wees: my verhouding met myself, my verhouding met ander, en my verhouding met die samelewing.



Stappie-Stappie is a key element of the experiential frame of learning. It is where our learners have an opportunity to get involved in an immersive and challenging learning adventure. Learners experience learning hands on. This is the time to engage with something you are passionate about and learn through trying. Sometimes our learners will not get things right the first time, but they have the freedom to try again until they can understand and manage their own learning. Perfection is not key here, but rather the development phases towards perfection.

This is real practical learning and each learner needs to take ownership of their learning. Some of the activities the learners engage with are working in the school gardens, dancing, creating art, cooking, first aid, outdoor living, building things and sewing. Learners learn through exploring, problem solving and working with others. Our learners are able to work with learners from a range of age-groups. This is a leadership opportunity for the older learners to engage with the younger learners as the ‘teacher’ in the lesson.

The Stappie Stappie program also has an important service aspect to it, our learners learn to engage and give back to the community. During the year learners can choose 4 different activities. At the end of each activity learners are asked to reflect on their learning experiences and to identify the Green School skills that they demonstrated.


Stappie-Stappie is ‘n sleutelelement tot die ervaringsraamwerk van leer. Dit is waar ons leerders ‘n geleentheid kry om betrokke te raak by ‘n meeslepende en uitdagende leeravontuur. Leerders ervaar leer met praktiese deelname. Hierdie is die tyd om betrokke te raak by iets waaroor jy passievol is en om te leer deur om te probeer. Soms kry ons leerders dinge nie die eerste keer reg nie, maar hulle het die vryheid om weer te probeer totdat hulle hul eie leer kan verstaan en bestuur. Perfeksie is nie hier die klem nie, maar eerder die ontwikkelingsfases tot perfeksie.

Dit is werklike praktiese leer en elke leerder moet eienaarskap van hul leer neem. Van die aktiwiteite waarmee die leerders betrokke raak, is om in die skooltuine te werk, te dans, kuns te skep, te kook, noodhulp, buitelewe, dinge te bou en naaldwerk. Leerders leer deur verkenning, probleemoplossing en deur om saam met ander te werk. Ons leerders kry geleentheid om saam met leerders van verskeie ouderdomsgroepe te werk. Dit dien as ‘n leierskapgeleentheid vir die ouer leerders om as ‘onderwyser’ vir die jonger leerders in die les op te tree.

Die Stappie-Stappie-program het ook ‘n belangrike diensaspek: ons leerders leer om betrokke te raak by, en ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die gemeenskap. Gedurende die jaar kan leerders vier verskillende aktiwiteite kies. Aan die einde van elke aktiwiteit word leerders gevra om na te dink oor hul leerervarings en om die Groenskool-vaardighede wat hulle gedemonstreer het, te identifiseer. 

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Milestone experiences

The Green School experience is peppered with impactful milestone experiences, rites of passage and learning artifacts. At certain stages of our learning journey, specific initiatives have been developed to challenge and celebrate key stages of a child’s development. A few examples include:


Die Green School-ervaring sluit verskeie belangrike mylpale in. Spesifieke projekte is ontwerp om belangrike fases van ‘n kind se ontwikkeling op sekere vlakke van hul skoolloopbaan uit te daag en ook te vier. Hier is ‘n paar voorbeelde:

My Footprints

Like a boat in the ocean that leaves a wake, The Grade 5 Capstone Project, Footprints is a passion project that leaves behind a positive footprint by the student for the community and/or environment. It is a time for Grade 5’s to be reflective as they transition to Middle School and consider what they would like to give back to the world. Footprints is made up of two parts: The ‘Act of Service’ part and the ‘Community Share’. The ‘Act Of Service’ part asks the students to identify a problem that they see around them, and think of ways to help solve it. It asks them to look at a way to enhance their local space in ways that are sustainable. Footprints is a local project that asks students to study their place in the community, and do something to give back. Footprints culminates in a ‘Community Share’ where students proudly present their learning, and experiences through their project journey to parents and the community.

My Voetspore

Soos ‘n boot in die oseaan wat branders genereer, die Graad 5 Capstone Projek, Voetspore is ‘n passie projek waar die leerder ‘n positiewe voetspoor agterlaat in die gemeenskap en/of vir die omgewing. Dit is ‘n tyd waarin die Graad 5’e kan reflekteer in hul oorgang na Middelskool en waar hulle dink oor wat hulle wil teruggee aan die wĂȘreld. Voetspore bestaan uit twee dele: Die ‘Dade van Diens’ gedeelte en die ‘Deel met Gemeenskap’. Tydens die ‘Dade van Diens’ deel word die leerders gevra om ‘n probleem te identifiseer wat hulle rondom hulle sien, en om te dink aan maniere om dit te help oplos. Daar word van hulle verwag om hul plaaslike area te verbeter d.m.v. maniere wat volhoubaar is. Voetspore is ‘n plaaslike projek waar daar gekyk word na die leerders se plek in die gemeenskap, en om iets te doen om terug te gee. Voetspore bereik ‘n hoogtepunt in die ‘Deel met Gemeenskap’ fasset waar die leerders aan die ouers en die gemeenskap wys wat hulle tydens die ontwikkeling van hul projek geleer en ervaar het.


The Grade 8 Quest project challenges our Grade 8 learners to engage in a passion project that intersects with environmental or social sustainability. This 6 month project serves as a life-changing experience to mark the end of their Middle School journey. The Quest project culminates in TED-talk style presentations, which the entire Green School community is invited to attend. This unique opportunity helps prepare our learners for success in their High School Green Stone presentations and beyond.


Die Graad 8’s se Passieprojek daag leerlinge uit om een van hul passies te identifiseer en dit in ’n projek te omskep wat ’n element van omgewings- of sosiale volhoubaarheid moet insluit. Hierdie 6-maande lang projek is ietwat van ’n oorgangsritueel by Green School en kan ’n lewensveranderende ervaring vir kinders wees namate hulle die einde van die intermediĂȘre fase bereik. Die projek eindig met ’n voorlegging, in die styl van ’n TED-praatjie wat leerlinge voorberei vir hul Groen Steen-projek op hoĂ«rskool asook enige voorleggings daarna.

Green Stones

The Green Stone project is the high school capstone experience in Grade 12. It gives learners the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of deep research and presentation skills and offers an extended period of focus on individual interests in an academic framework. It is designed and implemented entirely by the learners and is based on their passions and interests. The final part of the project is a 13-minute presentation, in the spirit of a TED talk, which is filmed and published by the school. 'Green School holds onto and values the best of traditional curriculum and methodology, but also acknowledges the clear call of the future and is responding with fresh thinking, imagination and innovation. We inspire children how to ask searching questions and give them the skills to find the answers.' – Andy Wood, Head of School


Die Groen Steen-projek is die hoĂ«rskool-mylpaalervaring in Graad 12. Dit sluit ’n verlengde tydperk van fokus op individuele belangstellings binne ’n akademies raamwerk in, en bied leerlinge die geleentheid om te demonstreer hoe goed hulle navorsings- en voorleggingsvaardighede kon bemeester. Dit word deur die leerlinge self uiteengesit en geĂŻmplementeer en word op hul unieke passies en belangstellings gebaseer. Die finale deel van die projek is ’n 13 minute lange voorlegging, in die styl van ’n TED-praatjie, wat deur die skool verfilm en gepubliseer word. ‘Green School sal die beste aspekte van tradisionele kurrikulums en metodologie handhaaf, maar erken ook die wekroep van die toekoms met ’n vars, verbeeldingryke en innoverende benadering. Ons inspireer kinders om ondersoekende vrae te vra en rus hulle toe met die vaardighede om die antwoorde self te vind.’ - Andy Wood, Skoolhoof