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Start your Green School adventure

If you are interested in joining our school, wonderful! A child’s enrolment is a mutual decision-making process between families and the school.

To explore our school a little bit before completing the application form, please e-mail us at for a meeting or tour of our campus.

To complete an application, here is our process:

  1. Create a prospective parent profile by clicking the link here.
  2. Add your child by clicking on the ‘Add Student’ button.
  3. Click ‘Begin New Process’, and the relevant dropdown selections, to access our online application form.
  4. Complete an online application form and pay the application fee.
  5. Meet with our Admissions Team and Head of School – we will get to know your family better, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions about our school.
  6. Children then come for a taster day at school, or for international families, we have a zoom meeting. The purpose of this time is to mutually determine whether our school is a good fit for your family.
  7. If accepted, families must sign a school contract and pay a placement fee to secure their seats and conclude the enrolment process.

Begin jou Green School-avontuur

As jy belangstel om by ons skool aan te sluit, wonderlik! ‘n Kind se inskrywing is ‘n wedersydse besluitnemingsproses tussen die gesin en die skool.

Om ‘n bietjie meer wil uitvind van ons skool, kontak ons asb by om ‘n vergadering of toer van ons kampus te reël.

Om die aansoekvorm te voltooi, hiermee die proses:

  1. Skep ‘n voornemende ouerprofiel deur die skakel hier te kliek.
  2. Voeg jou kind by deur op die ‘Add Student’-knoppie te kliek.
  3. Kliek ‘Begin New Process’, en die relevante opsie, om toegang tot ons aanlyn aansoekvorm te kry.
  4. Voltooi die aansoekvorm en betaal die aansoekfooi.
  5. Woon ‘n in-persoon of aanlyn vergadering by met ons Aansoekspan en Hoof waartydens ons julle gesin beter leer ken, en julle die geleentheid kry om enige vrae te vra.
  6. Kinders word dan genooi vir ‘n toets dag, of, vir gesinne van ver, stel ons ‘n zoom vergadering op waar van ons onderwysers die kinders kan ontmoet. Die doel van hierdie tyd is om gesamentlik te besluit of ons skool ‘n ideale pas vir julle gesin is.
  7. Indien die aansoek suksesvol is, moet julle die skoolkontrak teken en plasingsfooi betaal om julle plek te verseker en die aansoeke proses af te sluit.
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School fees

Being part of the Green School family is a big decision, with many factors to consider. An important element of this decision is the financial commitment. The details of our fees are set out below.

Application fee:

We charge an application fee of R2,000 per local family and R3,500 per international family. This fee is to process your application and does not guarantee acceptance in the school.

Placement fee:

Upon being accepted by the school, we charge a non-refundable placement fee of R10,000 to secure your seat.

Tuition fees and levies:

We provide the following payment options:

  • Annual payment of fees, that attract a 5% discount;
  • Termly advance payment; and
  • Monthly debit orders available for parents with a South African bank account, with a first debit order on 5 January, and last debit order on 5 December.

Termly levies are payable in advance.

Please refer to the attached table of tuition fees and levies.

Sibling discount:

The eldest sibling pays standard fees, and siblings get a 2.5% discount.

Skool fooie

Dis ’n groot besluit om deel te word van die Green School-familie, met baie faktore om in ag te neem. ’n Belangrike aspek van dié besluit is die finansiële onderneming. Hieronder word ons fooi-struktuur uiteengesit.


Ons vra ’n aansoekfooi van R2 000 per plaaslike gesin en R3 500 per internasionale gesin. Dié fooi dek die verwerking van jou aansoek en waarborg nie aanvaarding tot die skool nie.


Indien julle aansoek suksesvol is, vereis ons ‘n plasingsfooi van R10,000 per kind om hulle plek in die skool te verseker.

Klasgelde en heffings:

Ons verskaf die volgende betalingsopsies:

  • Eenmalige betaling wat 5% korting het;
  • Kwartaallikse vooraf betalings; of
  • Maandelikse debietaftrekkings, beskikbaar vir ouers met Suid-Afrikaanse bankrekeninge, met die eerste een op 5 Januarie, en laaste een op 5 Desember.

Kwartaallikse heffings is vooruitbetaalbaar per kwartaal.

Verwys asseblief na die aangehegte tabel van klasgelde en heffings.


Die oudste kind betaal vol skoolfooie, en enige ander boeties en sussies, ‘n 2.5% afslag.


Green School South Africa offers scholarships to learners in Grades 9 to 11.


  • South African citizenship
  • Academic requirement: Minimum 65% for all subjects 
  • Participation in a wide range of extra mural activities
  • Most important requirement: alignment of values between your family and Green School and commitment to help Green School further it’s mission of “educating for sustainability”.

How to apply

Please complete your contact details in the link below, and we will contact you with more information and next steps.


Green School South Africa bied beurse aan vir leerders in Graad 9 tot 11. 


  • Suid-Afrikaanse burger
  • Akademiese vereistes: Minimum 65% vir alle vakke
  • Deelname aan ‘n verskeidenheid buitemuurse aktiwiteite
  • Belangrikste vereiste: ooreenkomstige waardestelsel tussen die gesin en Green School en verbintenis om die skool met sy missie te help om te “leer vir volhoubaarheid”.

Hoe om aansoek te doen?

Voltooi asb julle kontakbesonderhede deur die skakel hieronder te volg, en ons sal vir julle verdere inligting en stuur en deur die stappe gesels.

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Moving to South Africa

Green School is truly a whole family experience. The collective energy, passion, creativity, skills, knowledge and cultural diversity of our faculty, staff, parents and our local neighbours is remarkable. At Green School it is our aim to build and develop an entire community of learners, not just learners.

 When we receive an application for enrolment, Green School is able to provide some support in moving to South Africa. We do not provide a relocation service, but we have a network or service providers who can competently assist families moving from abroad.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Verhuising na Suid-Afrika

Green School is werklik ’n ondervinding vir die hele gesin. Die gesamentlike energie, passie, kreatiwiteit, vaardighede, kennis en kulturele diversiteit van ons fakulteit, personeel, ouers en ons omgewing is merkwaardig. By Green School is dit ons doelwit om ’n hele gemeenskap van leerders te bou en ontwikkel – nie net leerders self nie.  

Ons kan ondersteuning bied om na Suid-Afika te verhuis sodra ons ‘n inskrywingsaansoek ontvang het. Ons bied nie ‘n verhuisingsdiens nie, maar ons het ‘n gemeenskap wat gesinne wat van die buiteland verhuis sterk sal ondersteun.

Vir meer informasie, kontak ons gerus.


Learners with special needs

Green School admits learners whose academic and personal needs can be met by the programmes and learner support services available at the school. While we aim for inclusiveness in our admissions decisions, we reserve the right to refuse admission to learners whom we determine will not benefit educationally from attending Green School. Careful consideration is exercised before admitting learners with physical or learning differences.

The objective of Green School’s Admissions team is to establish a clear understanding of the learning needs of its applicants prior to making placement decisions.

Leerders met spesiale behoeftes

Green School laat leerders toe wie se akademiese en persoonlike behoeftes aan voldoen kan word deur die programme en leerderondersteuningsdienste by die skool. Alhoewel ons streef na inklusiwiteit in ons toelatingsbesluite, behou ons ons die reg voor om toelating te weier vir leerders wat volgens ons nie opvoedkundig sal baat by bywoning van Green School nie. Daar word deeglik oorweeg voordat leerders met fisieke- of leerverskille toegelaat word.

Die doel van Green School se toelatingspan is om ‘n duidelike begrip van die leerbehoeftes van alle aansoeke te bekom en oorweeg voordat plasingsbesluite geneem word.

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