
The school day

Formal program 8:15 – 13:00.
Aftercare till 16:00

Grade 1 – 3
08:15 – 14:30

Grade 4+
08:00 – 14:45

After school activities, including sports and culture activities are provided from Monday to Thursday, 15:00 – 16:00.


Die skool dag

Formele program 8:15 – 13:00.
Nasorg tot 16:00

Graad 1 – 3
08:15 – 14:30

Graad 4+
08:00 – 14:45

Buitemuurse aktiwiteite, insluitend sport en kulturele aktiwiteite word verskaf van Maandae tot Donderdae, 15:00 – 16:00. 

Open Days

Please register to join us for an onsite or virtual open day.


Kom ontmoet ons op kampus of gedurende een van ons aanlyn ope dae.

On campus open days


11 February 2025 at 10:30

13 February 2025 at 16:00

Virtual open days

Please contact Kathryn, if you are interested in joining at

Kindy and Primary:

20 February 2025 @ 10:30

8 May 2025 @ 10:30

Middle and High School:

27 February 2025 @ 10:30

15 May 2025 @ 10:30

Ope dae op kampus


11 Februarie 2025 om 10:30

13 Februarie 2025 om 16:00

Aanlyn ope dae

Kontak asseblief vir Kathryn, indien julle belangstel een by woon by

Kindy en Laerskool:

20 Februarie 2025 @ 10:30

8 Mei 2025 @ 10:30

Middel en Hoërskool:

27 Februarie 2025 @ 10:30

15 Mei 2025 @ 10:30

Public tours on our campus

We often receive requests from the general public to visit our school and to hear more about our story. From September 2022, we are offering a range of speciality tours.

Tours run from 11:00 – 12:30 and cost R1,000 per tour for a maximum of 10 people. Larger groups can be accommodated by prior arrangement. The funds generated go towards the school’s scholarship fund. Payment happens before the tour starts at ‘The Coffee Pod’. Please note that we are a cashless campus, and payment can be made either by credit card or Snapscan.

Keep in mind:
We are a fully operational school and when we are in session, our staff, pupils and parents are all on campus. In order to protect our Green School SA community, it is required of us that you are accompanied around our campus at all times. You will not be permitted to walk around unattended at any time. In keeping the safety and privacy of our community at the forefront, no photographs that include our staff, pupils or parents will be permitted. Should you be seen taking photographs that your guide is uncomfortable with, you will be asked to delete the relevant media and to leave our campus immediately.

Toere op ons kampus

Ons ontvang gereelde versoeke van die algemene publiek om ons skool te besoek. Vanaf September 2022 bied ons ‘n verskeidenheid spesialiteitstoere aan.

Toere vind plaas van 11:00 – 12:30 en kos R1,000 vir ‘n maksimum 10 mense. Ons kan groter groepe akkommodeer indien vooraf gereël. Die fondse gaan na ons skool se beursfonds. Betaling geskied voor die toer begin by die Coffee Pod. Let asb daarop dat ons ‘n kontantvrye kampus is en betaling kan met ‘n kredietkaart of Snapscan gemaak word.

Hou asb in gedagte:
Ons is ‘n operasionele skool en gedurende die kwartaal is ons personeel, leerders en ouers op kampus. Om ons Groenskool gemeenskap te beskerm sal alle besoekers te alle tye saam met ‘n personeellid rondbeweeg. Niemand mag vry op kampus rondbeweeg nie.
Om die veiligheid van ons gemeenskap te beskerm mag geen fotos van ons personeel, leerders of ouers geneem word nie. Indien ‘n besoeker fotos neem wat die personeel ongemaklik maak, sal die besoeker gevra word om dit uit te vee en onmiddellik die kampus te verlaat.

Our architectural tour:
We’ll share with you a bit about how the dream of Green School South Africa came about, our design process and the experience of building our school. We’ll touch on the most important things that drove our design decisions, why we build that way we do, how we are advocating for sustainability through design, and why we believe in driving industry-wide change.
You will have the opportunity to walk around our campus, get a feel for our buildings and have a look at the construction details up close.

Please enquire from our school secretary, Celeste, about dates and availability at

Ons argitektoniese toer:
Ons deel meer van waar die droom om ‘n Green School te skep vandaan gekom het, ons ontwerpsproses, ons groen standaard, die Living Building Standard, die konstruksiemetodes en materiale en al die aspekte wat ons in ag geneem het gedurende konstruksie. Ons gesels oor hoekom ons hierdie manier van bou gekies het, watter rol ons speel om volhoubare ontwerp en konstruksie te bevorder, en hoekom glo ons daarin om industrie-wye verandering te dryf. Ons gaan rondstap op kampus, en die uitleg en geboue van naderby bekyk.

Doen asb navraag by ons skoolsekretaresse, Celeste oor beskikbare datums by

Our garden tour:
Come and experience the richness and biodiversity of our Green School landscape. We’ll share the design premise behind our gardens and how we conceptualised the landscape to be, not only a thriving and productive garden, but also a wonderful outdoor environment that is a catalyst for inspired learning. Our gardens boast local, protected fynbos species, fruit orchards, vegetable gardens and wild grasses. We’ll share with you some of our greatest learnings; the challenges, the failures and the successes. We’ll show you how to build and look after your own compost heap, and how to care for your garden without the use of harmful chemicals.

Please enquire from our school secretary, Celeste, about dates and availability at

Ons tuin toer:
Kom en geniet die rykheid en biodiversiteit van ons Groenskool tuin! Ons gesels meer oor die ontwerp van ons tuin en hoe vining dit verander het van ‘n kaal stuk aarde tot ‘n ongelooflike pragtige tuin met toenemende biodiversiteit.
Ons tuine is ontwerp om ‘n integrale deel van elke kind en besoeker se ervaring te wees en om leergeleenthede te skep vir al die ouderdomsgroepe in ons skool.
Ons het ‘n aktiewe komposhoop, en die geslote stelsel rondom kos is ‘n uitnemende gedeelte van ons kampuslewe – iets wat wonderlik is en ook konstante fokus verg.

Doen asb navraag by ons skoolsekretaresse, Celeste oor beskikbare datums by