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Join our team

Joining the Green School South Africa team is for you if:

  • You are deeply interested in the learning journey of each child; you want to connect with children to make learning relevant and real.
  • You live a ‘green’ lifestyle; you love nature and want to be part of a movement that is pushing boundaries for the betterment of education.
  • You want to have creative freedom and be part of a collaborative, innovative team of educators.
  • You are a qualified teacher, your life demonstrates lifelong learning and you are curious and excited about developments in the education industry.

Below we list current vacancies. If we do not have any at the moment, please keep an eye on our website and social media pages where all vacancies are advertised.

Word deel van ons span

Om deel te word van die Groenskoolspan is vir jou as:

  • Jy geïnteresseerd is in die leeravontuur van elke kind, ‘n verhouding met kinders wil opbou en seker maak dat hulle leer relevant en eg is;
  • Jy ‘n “groen” leefstyl het, jy lief is vir die natuur en wil deel wees van ‘n beweging om onderwys te verbeter;
  • Jy kreatiewe vryheid wil hê en deel wil wees van ‘n span waar kreatiwiteit en innovasie ondersteun en vereis word;
  • Jy ‘n onderwyskwalifikasie het, jy ‘n lewenslange leerder is, en nuuskierig en opgewonde is oor verwikkelings in die opvoedingsindustrie.

Hieronder lys ons huidige poste wat beskikbaar is. Indien daar tans niks is nie, hou ons webtuiste asook ons sosiale media bladsye dop waar ons alle nuwe poste adverteer.

Vacancies | Poste

Junior teacher

We have a vacancy in our Primary team (Grades 1 – 5).

Closing date: 23 November 2024

Starting date: January 2025

Laerskool onderwyser

Ons het ‘n pos as deel van ons Laerskoolspan.

Sluitingsdatum: 23 November 2024

Begindatum: Januarie 2025

Teaching practical

We love hearing from students who are looking to do their teaching practical at Green School. If you are interested, please complete the form below.


Ons is altyd opgewonde om van studente te hoor wat belangstel om hul proefondervinding by Green School te doen. As jy belangstel, vul asseblief die vorm hieronder in.