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For all general enquiries, please contact our school secretary at or call 010 025 2210.

For any questions relating to our admissions process, or to apply at the school, please find more information on the Admissions page of our website. Our admissions team can also be contacted on

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Meet our Head of School

Head of School

Lizet van der Walt obtained her BA Honors (English), BEd, LLB and BCom degrees as well as a PGCE and a Harvard Certificate in School Management and Leadership. She has taught children of all different ages – from pre-school to Grade 12 following CAPS and Cambridge curricula. Lizet has been a head of school for 19 years and has a thirst for learning more about the latest developments and research in education, navigating away from content-based exam-driven learning to enquiry- and project-based learning where each child can follow their own path at their own pace.

She sees educating for sustainability as an overarching mission and a worthwhile goal which is so much bigger than ourselves. She finds it wonderful to see how sustainability is interwoven in the Green School curriculum and how everybody on campus experience this in their everyday lives in the classroom.

Lizet is married to Peet, a retired marketing manager in the agricultural field. They have two children Jan-Hendrik and Willem, and their lovely wives Elsabé and Simone, as well as a granddaughter called Amelia.

‘It is such a privilege to lead a school where the well-being of children, teachers and a tight-knit parent community is so important. I find it invigorating to see how children flourish when they have a choice in how and what they learn and I enjoy rubbing shoulders with leaders in progressive education, discovering and developing skills our children need for their future.’


Die Hoof

Lizet van der Walt spog met ‘n verskeidenheid kwalifikasies wat ‘n BA Honeurs (English), BEd, LLB en BCom grade insluit, sowel as ‘n nagraadse onderwysdiploma en Harvard ‘Certificate in School Management and Leadership’. Sy het ervaring as onderwyseres vir kinders van voorskools tot matriek, en in skole wat CAPS en Cambridge kurrikula gebruik het. Lizet het 19 jaar ervaring as skoolhoof en is baie geïnteresseerd in die nuutste ontwikkeling en navorsing in onderwys wat wegbeweeg vanaf inhoudsgerigte, eksamengedrewe leer na projek- en navraag-gebaseerde leer waar elke kind die geleentheid kry om hulle eie roete te vind teen hulle eie pas.

Sy ervaar die Green School se missie om te onderrig vir volhoubaarheid as ‘n baie waardevolle doel om na te streef, wat soveel groter is as net ons self. Dit is vir haar ‘n wonderlike belewenis om te sien hoe volhoubaarheid verweef is in die Green School kurrikulum en hoe almal op kampus hierdie visie daagliks beleef.

Lizet is getroud met Peet, ‘n afgetrede bemarkingsbestuurder in die landbou veld. Hulle het twee kinders Jan-Hendrik en Wimpie, wat getroud is met Elsabé en Simone en het ook ‘n pragtige kleindogter Amelia.

‘Dit is so ‘n voorreg om ‘n skool te lei waar die welstand van kinders, onderwysers en ‘n hegte ouergemeenskap so belangrik geag word. Dit is opwindend om te beleef hoe kinders floreer wanneer hulle ‘n keuse het in wat en hoe hulle leer en ek geniet dit om saam met leiers in progressiewe onderwys van regoor die wêreld die vaardighede wat ons kinders gaan nodig hê in die toekoms, te ontdek en ontwikkel.’

Meet our Advisory Board

Green School SA has an Advisory Board with the following mandate:

Review the school’s strategic plan to ensure this will result in quality education and enable the school to effectively prioritise time and resources to achieve its mission;

Monitor the school’s implementation of the strategic plan and keep school leadership accountable;

Review the school’s policies and practices to ensure that these will result in quality education and are aligned to the school’s mission;

Evaluate the Head of School and assist in evaluating other academic leadership positions and assist the Founders in appointing and evaluating the Head of School, and to assist in developing succession planning for all key leadership positions;

Assist the Founders in developing financial policies that will ultimately ensure financial sustainability.


  • Lesley Meyer
  • Gugu Ndebele
  • Rob Houben
  • David Sobel

Green School SA het ‘n Adviesraad met die volgende mandaat:

Hersien die skool se strategiese plan om seker te maak dit gaan lei tot kwaliteit onderwys en die skool in staat stel om tyd en hulpbronne effektief te prioritiseer ten einde die skool se missie te bereik;

Monitor die implementering vna die strategiese plan om die skool se leierskap rekeningsvatbaar te hou;

Hersien die skool se beleide en praktyke om seker te maak dit sal tot kwaliteit opvoeding lei en is belyn met die skool se missie:

Evalueer die skool leierskap en help die Stigters om die Hoof aan te stel en te evalueer, en met om opvolgplanne te ontwikkel vir alle sleutelleierskapsposisies.

Ondersteun die Stigters in die ontwikkeling van finansiële beleide wat die finansiële volhoubaarheid van die skool sal ondersteun.


  • Lesley Meyer
  • Gugu Ndebele
  • Rob Houben
  • David Sobel